Details of Business
- Ability to identify emerging and innovative opportunity and invest into those areas to achieve leadership position
- A unique business model in the Agchem space of providing innovative solution to our customers from R&D to Distribution by partnering with the best.

- Target Discovery
- Molecule Design
- Library Synthesis
- Lead Optimization
- Biological Evaluation
- Route Synthesis

- Analytical Development
- Process Development
- GLP Physical-Chemical

- Kilo Lab Studies
- Pilot Plant Trials
- Basic Engineering
- Process Optimization

- Detailed Engineering
- Plant Design
- Bulk Manufacturing

- CIB Intimation / RTT application / Sample import
- Bio - efficacy Studies
- Residue Studies
- Toxicity Studies
- Packaging Specifications Development

- Geography Specific Bio-Efficacy Studies
- Evaluation & Trials Data Compilation
- Inclusion in the Schedule
- Dossier Preparation & Submission

- Large Scale Formulations

- Geographical Potential / Fitment Evaluation
- Product Pre and Post Launch Activities & Campaign
- Product Stewardship
- Crop Diversification / Combination Development
We believe in progress, facing challenges and adapting to changing needs of the market. We believe in dynamism and are deep rooted in our values of trust, adaptability, speed and innovation.