CSR Philosophy
Our Philosophy
The underlining theme of our CSR philosophy is to create equity in society with our actions. Caring, Sharing and Growing is at the core of PI’s CSR philosophy. Our goal is to ensure that our economic growth is socially and environmentally sustainable. CSR initiatives are focused to enable the citizen to enjoy the benefits of science led innovations. Our socio-economic interventions are focused towards underprivileged communities around our plant locations and other local areas of operations, so that the weaker and marginalized sections of the society have a sustainable higher income and better standard of living.
Our CSR interventions will follow principles of accountability to stress on the long term sustainability of results. PI Foundation will undertake periodic third party impact assessment studies through independent professional institutions, especially of the strategic and high value programmes. Appropriate documentation of the PI CSR policy, annual CSR activities, executing partners, and expenditures entailed will be undertaken on a regular basis and the same will be available in the public domain.
We believe that balance in Economic, Social and Environmental objectives, permeating through everyday conduct of business is the key to achieve the goal of Sustainable Development.